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Dive Into the New Age of Accelerated AI Solutions powered by Arllecta

Our Services

Speech Recognition/Speech Synthesis/Combining Solutions

Speechllect is a cloud-based, high-speed speech recognition and synthesis solution. 10 seconds of audio file is processed in 1 user second.

99,9% of accuracy for articulated pronunciations. 

Multi-voice mode for generating a human-like voice.

The price is twice as low as the current solutions of the big IT giants.

The response time of technical customer support is just 1 hour.

Сustom use tools - Web Interface, API

Integration: Zoom Market Place

Own technologies: Sense Fucntion 


Business User Cases:

Call Centers:

  • transcription of incoming calls (logging)

  • redirecting an incoming call to the desired department

  • formation of a response to the client in one voice in real-time mode

  • determination of the emotional tone of an incoming call


Game Makers:

  • transcription of the conversation between the participant and the character of the game

  • assigning a specific voice to each character in the game

  • transfer by the game participant of the emotional coloring of the commands to the characters of the game through their communication

  • game participant - polyphonic game character 



  • chatbot polyphonic voice

  • transcription of the conversation between client and chatbot (CRM purposes)

  • chatbot-client website communications by the voice (4 communication modes: 'text-to-text', 'text-to-voice', 'voice-to-text' & 'voice-to-voice')

  • scenario plan of actions for a chatbot


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Global Sense-To-Sense Business Network    beta-version

Arllecta is a first global network powered by a revolutionaty technology - SenseChain.

It works all over the world. The network allows users to enter into electronic contracts of any complexity in any business sector, track performance and search for contract executors, search for work under a contract around the world, draw up contracts for borrowing money, make transfers in seconds around the world, earn extra hours on each contract, and then transfer them to any currency, use the electronic currency of the network for safe and fast transfers to any contracts to legal entities or individuals - members of the network.

Сustom use tools - Web Interface for the network statistics, API, Android mobile app, IoS mobile app

Own technologies: SenseChain

Video Presentation >>> 


Business User Cases:

Global business:

  • international business contracts for minutes

  • no-visa-employees

  • flexible contract perfomance control

  • as fast as seconds currency transfers

  • p-2-p loan contracts

  • Arllecta loan contracts

  • 100% preservation of personal data - the network does not store user data.

  • money laundering protect algorithm

  • no racial, religious, ethnic restrictions

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Local Business Community:

  • creation of local business community

  • local money transfers

  • local chat community

  • region-specified employees

  • region-specified employers

  • compliance with local regulatory and legal standards

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Network Electronic Currency:

  • multi-subject contract transfers

  • global/local individual money transfers

  • network global payment system

  • the lowest fees for transfers on the market

  • free insurance for each network member

  • 6 levels of card service

  • 100% preservation of personal data - the network does not store financial data of the users.

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Search Sense Intellect   beta-version

QuickRon is a decentralized search system based on neuro-amorphic semantic architecture (proprietary solution).

It allows integrating revolutionary sense-to-sense search algorithm that searches for senses, not keywords. It is capable of working with over 1 trillion objects of different nature. 

​Its main task is to present of intellectual self-learning and self-developing system that, besides search service, will be capable of presenting a series of innovative and high-tech solutions, which are targeted to minimize a tedious and long-lasting activity of a user on the Internet. 

Сustom use tools - Web Interface, API

Own technologies: Sense Derivative, Sense Antiderivative, Arllecta: Decentralized Sense-To-Sense Network

Speech Analytics

SenseProfile is a multi-voice system for monitoring and analyzing the incoming audio stream.

The system is capable of identifying objects of conversation, checking the fulfillment of established behavioral scenarios for employees of various divisions of the company, and much more.

Сustom use tools - Web Interface, API


Zoom Market Place,


Own technologies: Sense Space, Sense Series


Business User Cases:


  • subject transcription of incoming/outcoming calls (CRM purposes)

  • identification of conversation objects (number affiliation)

  • creation and control of scenario behavior of a sales manager

  • object logging of sales business meetings

  • topic identification of the client conversation




  • assigning a scenario plan for the behavior of a company employee when communicating with external clients

  • implementation of a control system for company employees in part of preserving intellectual-property

  • personal identification of conversation objects

  • scripted 24/7 audio control




  • implementation of the client's mood detection system

  • implementation of a scenario plan for communicating with a client

  • employee control and consulting system

  • service quality analytics system

  • identification of conversation objects


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Sense Communication System   beta-version

Zombty is a multifunctional interactive 'single window' system.

It includes a user board, calendar, meeting room, chat, email, and other services. 

The system supports over 1 million users simultaneously

Сustom use tools - Web Interface, API

Business User Cases:


  • conducting audio/video meetings with more than 100 thousand employees at the same time

  • interactive interaction of a group of employees on related tasks via chat or email in a single window

  • personalized group board

  • work with multiple groups in a meeting room simultaneously 



  • working with several classrooms at the same time

  • working with an interactive user-board in one or more groups

  • attaching certain teaching materials to a a particular group of students

  • personalized notification system

  • group & personal educational calendar

  • personalized group email


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Personal Mobile Concierge   beta-version

lMITI is a personal mobile application with concierge capabilities for performing routine daily tasks.

Calling a taxi, ordering a table in a restaurant, booking air tickets, sending messages, executing user scenarios in any life situation, this is a little that this application can do.

Сustom use tools - Mobile Interface, API

Preventive Diagnostic System   beta-version

MedZard is a decentralized intellectual diagnose system.

The system allows users to get ~90% accurate diagnoses for many diseases, interpret medical tests, and provide daily assistance in tracking drug intake.​​

Own technologies, «Hematological Preventive Method» and «Neurochain: Decentralized Chain of Transactions» also allows users to get detailed information about its current statement of health and list of recommendations online

Сustom use tools - Mobile Interface, API

Own technologies: Medllecta. Hematological Preventive Method (HPM),  Medllecta. Hematological Preventive Method (HPM). Part 2

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Sense AI    beta-version

S2SChat is a sense-to-sense paradigm realized AI basen on own mathematical theory Sense Theory.

S2Schat shows a radical difference from GPT algorithms.

The sense-to-sense paradigm allows users to find ONE main meaning in a text of any volume size.​​

In our algorithmic calculations, we are considering “sense energy”, which has a vector nature and therefore, it will be more accurate to define the Law of Conservation of Sense:

The total sense energy (SE) of any open sense space (OSS) is constant if the conditions of the Mielberg cycle are satisfied in this sense space.

In other words, to create AI with self-identification, it is extremely important for the implemented algorithm that the meaning (sense) of the analyzed book, article, abstract and other source remains the same.

The law of conservation of sense, in contrast to the Turing test, qualitatively determines the degree of “humanity” of digital AI.

Сustom use tools - Web Interface

Own technologies: Sense Theory. Part 1. 

Sense Derivative.

Sense Entropy. The Law of Conservation of Sense.

Business User Cases:

Corporate lawyer:

  • analysis of legal compliance of contracts with suppliers

  • identification of risks and consequences of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract

  • maintaining contract execution and notification of deadlines

  • legal analysis of two contracts based on selected criteria

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Online medicine:

  • drug management of cancer patients

  • management of outpatient rehabilitation patients

  • symptomatic analysis and preliminary medical report of the client’s condition

  • preparing patients for laboratory and instrumental studies

  • personalized molecular genetic approach to the formation of medical recommendations

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Smart home manager:

  • 24/7 mobile control of connected devices in the house remotely

  • automatic generation of a report on critical indicators in the house

  • generation of proposals for smart saving of energy and heat in the house according to specified parameters

  • domestic lawyer on housing and communal services issues

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We Integrate With Your Ecosystem

The integration process for any of the seven core services takes a few minutes.

There are only two integration phases:

  1. choosing functionality & form of result 

  2. connecting API 

Our technical support team will help as quickly as within 1 hour​

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